Tuesday , 16 July 2024

Tag Archives: gavage

Antihypertensive activity of the acetatic extract of Morinda morindoides on the arterial hypertension induced by adrenalin in rabbits

Bahi Calixte, Boga Gogo Lucien*, Kouangbé Mani Adrien, N’guessan Jean David, Coulibaly Adama Department of Biosciences, Biochemical Pharmacodynamy Laboratory, University Félix Houphouët-Boigny, PO Box 582, Abidjan 22-Côte d’Ivoire, Africa. A B S T R A C T The aim of this work is to study the effect of the acetatic extract of Morinda morindoides on the arterial hypertension induced by adrenalin ... Read More »

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