Tuesday , 16 July 2024

Tag Archives: Drug discovery

Pharmacy Research Translational and Transformational

V. Sravani*1, Dr. P. Venkatesh2, V. Dinkar3 1-3Department of Pharmacy, Jagans Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Jangala Kandriga, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh. A  B  S  T  R A C T One important challenge in modern drug discovery is to accelerate the search for new and more potent therapeutic molecules but in a more assertive manner as thus far, conventional approaches are extremely ... Read More »

Evaluation of Antioxidant activity of Andira inermis (W. Wright) H.B.K. Leaves extracts by DPPH free radical method and In-silico Characterization of its isoflavones as potential pharmacophores

Suhail Mohammed Hussain* Department of Microbiology & Biotechnology, Bangalore University, Jnana Bharathi Campus, Bangalore – 560 056, Karnataka, India. A B S T R A C T Homoeopathic floras have been a valuable and immense source of therapeutic drugs for eras and still numerous of currently used drugs are plant-derived natural products or their derivatives. A well accepted scientific consensus ... Read More »

Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) based high throughput drug screening for the determination of antineoplastic activity of natural compounds from herbs

Sharmistha Gupta1 and Mithun Mukherjee2 1West Bengal State Council of Science and Technology, West Bengal-India  2Ramakrishna Vivekananda Mission Institute of Advanced Studies, West Bengal-India ABSTRACT Objectives:  In the present experiment a very useful cell-based high throughput screening method that uses a novel bio-sensor which specifically identifies apoptosis based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer technology. Methodology: A stable HeLa cell line ... Read More »

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