Friday , 12 July 2024

Tag Archives: Atovaquone

Formulation and In-Vitro Evaluation of Oro Dispersible Tablets of Atovaquone Solid Dispersion

D. Sravika1, V.Anjeneyaulu2, Gampa Vijay Kumar3 1,2,3Department of Pharmacy, KGR Institute of Technology and Management, Rampally, Kesara, Medchal, Telangana, India. A B S T R A C T Atovaquone is a chemical compound that belongs to the class of naphthoquinones. Atovaquone is a hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone, an analog of ubiquinone, with antipneumocystic activity. The main objective of the present work was to ... Read More »

Formulation and In-vitro Evaluation of Atovaquone Solid Dispersions

Dr. M. Venkata Ramana1, Y. Radhika Padarthy2 1Principal, Gurram Balanarasaiah Institute of Pharmacy, Ghatkesar, Ranga Reddy–501 301. 2Research Scholar, Department of Pharmaceutics, JNTU Hyderabad, Telangana A B S T R A C T In the current study improvement of dissolution rate, solubility and bioavailability of insoluble drug Atovaquone was done by solid dispersions prepared by using hydrophilic and lipophilic carriers. ... Read More »

Formulation and In-vivo Evaluation of Atovaquone Solid Dispersions

Dr. M.V. Ramana1, Radhika Padarthy2 1Principal, Gurram Balanarasaiah Institute of Pharmacy, Edulabad, Ghatkesar, Ranga Reddy–501 301. 2Research Scholar, Department of Pharmaceutics, JNTU Hyderabad, Telangana A B S T R A C T In the present study Atovaquone solid dispersions were prepred in order to improve the bioavailability and solubility of the drug by using PVP, PEG 5000, Poloxamer 188 as ... Read More »

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