Saturday , 21 December 2024

Self Nanoemulsifying Tablets of Telmisartan-Development, Characterization, Effect on Dissolution

Edagottu Giridhar1, B. Nageswara Naik*2
1M. Pharm Student, Department of Pharmaceutics, Vasavi institute of pharmaceutical sciences, Kadapa-516 247, Andhrapradesh, India
2Assistant professor, Department of Pharmaceutics, Vasavi institute of Pharmaceutical sciences, Kadapa-516 247, Andhra Pradesh, India

A b s t r a c t
The aim of the present study is to develop and characterize selfnano emulsifying tablets of telmisatran, its effect on dissolution. Drug Delivery System yields a formulation with nano size range & good zeta potential. The liquid was further made into tablet form for better stability. The prepared formulations were characterized for the size, zeta potential, self-emulsification time and drug content & compressed into tablets. The in vitro study of the best formulation FT12 SNE tablet showed 1.4 fold increase in the bioavailability when compared to the marketed formulation.

Keywords: telmisatran, drug delivery, in-vitro, nano emulsifying.

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