Sana Raza*, Seema Singh, Abhishek Kumar and Prof. Rajeev Shukla
SHEAT College of Pharmacy, Bhojubir, Sindhodara Road, Ghani Ayer, Varanasi
The genus Mucuna, belonging to the Fabaceae family, sub family Papilionaceae, includes approximately 150 species of annual and perennial legumes, commonly known as Velvet bean, Cowitch, Cowhage in English and Kawaanch, Kavach in Hindi. Mucuna pruriens is widespread in tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world. It is considered a viable source of dietary proteins due to its high protein concentration (23–35%) in addition its digestibility. The present study deals with hydroalcoholic extract of Mucuna pruriens black seed and white seed. The pharmacognostic evaluation of two seeds of Mucuna pruriens i.e. black seed and white seed including the morphological, microscopical characters and different physicochemical standard has been developed. Physicochemical constants of Black and White seed of M.Pincluding determination of loss on drying, ash values and extractive values. The preliminary phytochemical screening of various leaf extracts was also carried out and phytoconstituent of both seeds was revealed.
Keywords: Mucuna, Phytocontituents, Physicochemical, Hydroalcoholic