Saturday , 21 December 2024

IJCPS-2020: Volume-8, Issue-8

R E S E A E C H   A R T I C L E
Simultaneous Estimation of UV Spectroscopy and Method Development and Validation for Sucralfate and Oxetacaine by RP-HPLC

G.Sreekeerthi1, Sravanthi Bodike2, Gampa Vijay Kumar3
1KGR Institute of Technology and Management, Rampally, Kesara, Rangareddy, Telangana, India.
2KGR Institute of Technology and Management, Rampally, Kesara, Rangareddy, Telangana, India.
3Professor and Head, Dept. of Pharmacy, KGR Institute of Technology and Management, Rampally, Kesara, Rangareddy, Telangana, India.
Int. J. Chem. Pharm. Sci., 2020, 8(8): 160-164
Abstract | Full Article-PDF |

R E S E A E C H   A R T I C L E
Method Development and Validation for Rapid Simultaneous Estimation of Tinidazole and Diloxanide Furoate in Pharmaceutical Dosage Form by Using RP-HPLC
Kavi Soundarya1, Gampa Vijay Kumar2
1KGR Institute of Technology and Management, Rampally, Kesara, Rangareddy, Telangana, India.
2Professor and Head, Dept. of Pharmacy, KGR Institute of Technology and Management, Rampally, Kesara, Rangareddy, Telangana, India.
Int. J. Chem. Pharm. Sci., 2020, 8(8): 165-169
Abstract | Full Article-PDF |
R E S E A E C H   A R T I C L E
Regulatory Requisites for the Registration Process of Biosimilar in Regulated Markets

Ineni Pavani1*, A. Lavanya2
1Krishna Teja Pharmacy College, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India
2Associate Professor, Krishna Teja Pharmacy College, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India
Int. J. Chem. Pharm. Sci., 2020, 8(8): 170-179
Abstract | Full Article-PDF |
R E V I E W  A R T I C L E
Formulation Development and Evaluation of Osmotic Drug Delivery System by Various Approaches: A Review
K. Sunil kumar1, M.Kamali2, A. Varaprasad3
1Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutics, Sun Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Kakupalli, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India.
2,3Sun Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Kakupalli, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Int. J. Chem. Pharm. Sci., 2020, 8(8): 180-185
Abstract | Full Article-PDF |

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