Thursday , 11 July 2024

Formulation and Evaluation of colon targeted delivery system of tegaserod Maleate based on osmotic technology

Mahadev kanere1Anurag Singh2, Manju Prajapati2, J.P Rai2, Namrata gupta2kehar singh dhakad 2 Dr. P K Mohanty3
1Assitant Professor school of Pharmacy, LNCT University Bhopal, M.P, India
2Associate  Professor school of Pharmacy, LNCT University Bhopal, M.P, India
3Director School of Pharmacy, LNCT University Bhopal, M.P, India

Oral drug delivery has been known for decades as the most widely utilized route of administration among all the routes that have been explored for the systemic delivery of drugs via various pharmaceutical products of different dosage forms The stomach is an organ with a capacity for storage and mixing. Under fasting conditions the stomach is a collapsed bag with a residual volume of 50 mL and contains a small amount of gastric fluid (pH 1-3) and air. The stomach has four main areas: cardia, fundus, body, and pylorus. Within 2-4 hrs after eating a meal the stomach has emptied its contents into the duodenum.The present work was aimed at formulating enteric coated tablet of Tegaserod maleate. Direct compression technique and coating solution was used in the manufacturing of controlled release tablet.  A microbially activated osmotic pump (MAODS) for colonic delivery of tegaserod was developed. for treatment of crohn, s disease the main interest in such dosage form was to target the drug to the colon by ensuring minimal amount of drug release in the physiological environment of the upper GIT. and soon after to release most of the tegaserod to the colon between 6th to 14th hr. Hence final selection was conducted from formulation F4, F6, F7 showing 83.85, 91.30, 94.56 but drug release from formulation F1, F2, F3, F6 very slow. There for F7 was selected as an optimized formulation with maximum drug release in colon. The effect of various formulation variables was studied to optimize the release profile.
Kewword: Colon target  ,Tegaserod maleate, Crohn’s Disease

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