Thursday , 18 July 2024

Evaluation for Anti Ulcer Effects of Methanolic Extract of Ipomoea Batatas Plant Leaves Using In-vivo Models

Karigalla Santhosh Kumar1, Dr.Y.Sridhar2, Dr. Vijaya Kumar Gampa*3
1KGR Institute of Technology and Management, Rampally, Kesara, Rangareddy, Telangana, India.

2Professor, KGR Institute of Technology and Management, Rampally, Kesara, Rangareddy, Telangana, India.
3Professor and Head, Dept. of Pharmacy, KGR Institute of Technology and Management, Rampally, Kesara, Rangareddy, Telangana, India.

In the present work the Methanolic extract of Ipomoea batatas treated groups shows a significant effect when compared to control group animals which indicating that the plant having the anti ulcer activity. And also the results showed that the Methanolic extract of the Ipomoea batatas having the antioxidant activity. The acute toxicity study conducted for Methanolic extract of ipomoea batatas indicates that safe up to 2000mg/kg body weight. Ulcer can minimize by some life style changes like, avoid eating at least two hours before bed time and whatever foods might cause discomfort, such as ethanol, caffeine beverages (coffee and pop), fatty foods, and highly seasoned foods. It is important to try to stop smoking, since smoking has been linked to ulcer formation, reduced healing, and ulcer recurrences. Also, try to minimize stress in life.  Stress may worsen ulcer symptoms.
Keywords: Ipomoea batatas, ulcer, Methanolic extract.

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