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IJCTPR Vol-1; ISSN 2321-3760

International Journal of Current Trends in Pharmaceutical Research  ISSN 2321-3760

2013: Volume.1, Issue-3 [Call for Papers]
2013: Volume.1, Issue-2 [Released]

Method Development and Validation of Efavirenz in Bulk and Pharmaceutical Capsule Dosage Form by Using UV–Visible Spectrophometric Method
Somsubhra Ghosh*, B. Rajni, M. Alagar Raja, Dr. David Banj
[Abstract] [Full Article-PDF] pp: 74-80

Phytochemical Potentiality of Broccoli, Tomato and Garlic
Raaz Maheshwari*, Bina Rani, Nidhi Gauba Dhawan, Upma Singh
[Abstract] [Full Article-PDF] pp: 81-87

Review on Hypertension
T. Anantha lakshmi*, M. Ramesh, B. Mounika, K. Bhuvaneswari, Sreekanth Nama
[Abstract] [Full Article-PDF] pp: 88-96

Review on Pathology and Chemoprophylaxis of Malaria
K. Bhuvaneswari*, L. Mohini Swetha,M. Ramesh, B. Mounika,T. Anantha Lakshmi, B. Brahmaiah, Sreekanth Nama
[Abstract] [Full Article-PDF] pp: 97-104

Microbubble: As a Theraputic and Dignostic Tool
RajDev Adeps*, B. Brahmaiah, Sreekanth Nama, Prasanna Kumar Desu
[Abstract] [Full Article-PDF] pp: 105-113

A Review on Needle Free Injection
Sd. Khalilullah*, K. Manasa, S. Sarath, Ch. Dileep, P. Suresh, B. Brahmaiah, Nama Sreekanth, Patan Adamkhan
[Abstract] [Full Article-PDF]  pp: 114-119

Medical Applications of Nanomedicine
S.B. Somwanshi*, R.T. Dolas, S.S Siddheshwar, R.K. Godge, S. R. Pattan
[Abstract] [Full Article-PDF] pp: 120-126

Gymnema Sylvestre-An Antidiabetic Plant
Jyoti Rai*, Sunil Singh, Inamullah, Nisha Choudhary, Surabhi Sharma, Hemendra Gautam
[Abstract] [Full Article-PDF] pp: 127-136

Optimization Techniques in Designing of Pharmaceutical Dosage Form
R.T. Dolas*, S.S Siddheshwar, S.B. Somwanshi, A.N. Merekar, R.K. Godge, S. R. Pattan
[Abstract] [Full Article-PDF] pp: 137-143

A Conceptual Overview of Hypertension with Special Consideration to Its Etiological & Clinical Classification, Pathophysiology and Treatment
Mithun Bhowmick*, Tamizharasi Sengodan, Sivakumar Thangavel
[Abstract] [Full Article-PDF] pp: 144-152

2013: Volume-1, Issue-1

Detail comparative macro and micro morphological study of karpas (gossypium herbaceum linn.) And rakta karpas (gossypium arboreum linn.) Leaf and stem
Ananta krushna palei*, Harisha C.R
[Abstract] [Full Article – PDF] pp: 1-7

Antiulcer activity of Terminalia Chebula in Pyloric Ligature induced Gastric Ulcers
Dimak Chand Sahu*, Anil Kumar Rai, Sanjay J. Ingle,Girendra Kumar Gautam, Ravi Prakash
[Abstract] [Full Article – PDF] pp: 7-11

Antimicrobial and anthelmintic investigations on the leaf extracts and leaf essential oil of Mikania scandens (L) Willd
Oommen P Saj*, Remya M R
[Abstract] [Full Article – PDF] pp: 12-18

Method development and validation for the simultaneous estimation of Nebivolol hydrochloride and S(-) Amlodipine besilate in Tablet dosage form by RP–HPLC
Prabhakaran. V*, Sekar. S, Baskar.E, Raghuprasath. V.R
[Abstract] [Full Article – PDF] pp: 19-29

Formulation and Evaluation of Ethylcellulose Coated Microcapsules for Controlled Release of Paracetamol
Navneet Kumar Verma*
[Abstract] [Full Article – PDF] pp: 30-33

Development of Novel Controlled Release Buccoadhesive Drug Delivery Anti-Diabetic and Anti-Inflammatory Drug Combination
Anuradha CM*, Hindustan Abdul Ahad, Abhilash A, Prabhuraj KJ, Swapna K, Anil Kumar K
[Abstract] [Full Article – PDF] pp: 34-44

Pharmacognostical Study and Localization of Tannin in Pentatropis Capensis Linn.f. (Buullock) Leaf-An Extra Pharmacopoeial Plant
Chowdhury Saikat*, K Nishteswar, Harisha CR
[Abstract] [Full Article – PDF] pp: 45-53

A Review on Management and Scope of Medical Tourism in India
Patel Harnish K*, Patel Priyanka R
[Abstract] [Full Article – PDF] pp: 54-58

Review on Nails Drug Delivery System-Recent Advances and Marketed Products
Navneet Kumar Verma*, Asha Roshan
[Abstract] [Full Article – PDF] pp: 59-66

A Potential Natural gum as a polymer used in NDDS: Recent investigations
V.T.Chamle*, P.S.Misal, S.G.Shep, Dr. R.A. Hajare
[Abstract] [Full Article – PDF] pp: 67-73

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