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IJRPLS Vol-1; ISSN 2321-5038

International Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Life Sciences     ISSN 2321-5038

2013:  Vol.1, Issue.2 [Call for Papers]
2013: VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 [Released]

Evaluation of Anti-arthritic activity of Vitex Negundo Linn 
Saravana Kumar K*, Nagaveni P, Mahaboob Subahan T
[Abstract] [Full Article – PDF] pp: 1-4

Diversity Resources, Distribution and Present Availability Status of Oberonia Lindl. An Epiphytic Orchid Species of Darjeeling Himalaya of India
Rajendra Yonzone*, D. Lama, R. B. Bhujel,Khyanjeet Gogoi, Samuel Rai
[Abstract] [Full Article – PDF] pp: 5-14

Efficacy of different extraction methods of phycocyanin from Spirulina platensis 
Pandian Prabakaran*, A. David Ravindran
[Abstract] [Full Article – PDF] pp: 15-20

Hepatocellular Changes Induced By Chlorpyrifos in Liver of Gambusiaaffinis 
Khan Sabiha*, Sharma Neelam
[Abstract] [Full Article – PDF] pp: 21-25

Isolation of potential probiotic Lactobacillus strains from human milk 
Authors Name: Anandharaj.M* and Sivasankari.B
[Abstract] [Full Article – PDF] pp: 26-29

Formulation and Evaluation of Sustained Release Tablet of Tapentadol
Asija Rajesh1*, Rathi Harish, Asija Sangeeta
[Abstract] [Full Article – PDF] pp: 30-37

Microbial Potential of Euphorbia hirta
Shirish S. Pingale*
[Abstract] [Full Article – PDF] pp: 38-42

Electrochemical Investigation of carbonyl group containing pesticide monalide in water samples by using differential pulse adsorptive stripping voltammetry 
S. Rajasekhar Reddy*, T.Raveendranath babu, B.Sreenivasulu
[Abstract] [Full Article – PDF] pp: 43-47

Bioadhesive Formulation-Buccal Films 
M. Krishnaveni*, AV.Chandana, V. Shanmugam, P.Prakash, S.Sandeep1, KV.Radhika
[Abstract] [Full Article – PDF] pp: 48-58

Floating gastro-retentive dosage forms-A Novel Approach 
S.G. Shep*, V.T. Chamle , P.S. Misal, Dr. R.A. Hajare
[Abstract] [Full Article – PDF] pp: 59-63

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