Monday , 13 January 2025

Phytochemical and Pharmacological Studies on Actinidia Deliciosa Fruit

1Surendra.K*, 2Dr.Pankaj Sharma, 3B.Anitha, 3D.Yashwanth Kumar
1Pacific University, Udaipur
2Jaipur National University, Jaipur
3SARC (Scientific and Applied Research Center), Hyderabad

The objective of present study was to evaluate the effect of aqueous and ethanolic extract of Actinidia deliciosa fruit for anti-inflammatory, analgesic and CNS activities. As the extracts dose up to the 5000 mg/ kg b.w. did not showed any toxic impact on experimental animals, hence the treatment dose for all experimental purpose was selected as 500 mg /kg. b.w. i.e. 1/10th of the maximum safer dose. In all the experimental works the results revealed that the ethanolic extract of Actinidia deliciosa was highest potent in term of analgesic, anti-inflammatory and CNS depressant effect. The order of potency for all the extracts was as for the present phenolic or flavonoid contents i..e. AEAD, AELC. On the basis of these results we can conclude here that the analgesic, anti-inflammatory and CNS depressant effect of these extracts might be due to present phenolic constituents and more appropriately due to flavonoid contents. Still the research work is required to determine the mechanism of action at molecular level.
Keywords: Actinidia Deliciosa fruit, Ethanolic extract, Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory and CNS depressant.

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