About author :
Dr. Ananta krushna palei*, Harisha C.R
IPGT & RA, Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar, India
Gossypium herbaceum Linn. known as Karpasa. Gossypium arboreum Linn., commonly known as Rakta Karpasa. both belongs to the family Malvaceae. Karpasa is widely used in Ayurveda for the treatment of diseases like post-puerperal haemorrhage, dysmenorrhoea, diarrhoea, hyperpiesia, dysentery etc. and for the processing of various formulations of Rasashastra . For the first time both verities take into consideration and distinguish the morphologically, pharmacognostically including its powder microscopy and histochemical studies. to In the present study, transverse section of fresh roots of karpasa showed, cortex with pericyclic fibres, prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate and starch grains. Vascular bundle shows the phloem above the xylem, xylem radially arranged with biseriate to multiseriate medullary rays. Transverse section of fresh leaf shows glandular trichomes, vascular bundles and rosette crystals, lignified parenchymatous cells. And the transverse section of fresh root of Rakta karpas shows parenchyma cells ,starch grains, phloem, rossette crystals, calcium oxalate etc. transverse section of fresh leaf shows glandular trichomes, vascular bundles and rosette crystals, lignified parenchymatous cells.
Key Words: Karpas, Raktakarpas, leaf, stem, pharmacognosy.